A longitudinal evaluation of open mouth posture and maxillary arch width in children..pdf
Airway interference and its effect upon the growth and development of the face, jaws, dentition and associated parts. The portal of life..pdf
Airway obstruction, palatal vault formation and malocclusion a cross-sectional study..pdf
Anatomy of oral respiration morphology of the oral cavity and pharynx..pdf
Association between nasal respiratory obstruction and vertical mandibular position..pdf
Associations among upper airway structure, body position, and obesity in skeletal Class I male patients with obstructive sleep apnea..pdf
Changes in dentofacial morphology after adeno-tonsillectomy in young children with obstructive sleep apnoea a 5-year follow-up study..pdf
Chronic nasal obstruction and malocclusion..pdf
Cranio-cervical posture a factor in the development and function of the dentofacial structures..pdf
Craniocervical posture in relation to skeletal and dentoalveolar morphology..pdf
Crowding and gingivitis a comparison between mouthbreathers and nosebreathers..pdf
Deformity of the face, jaws and dentition. A preventable disease. Nasal obstruction..pdf
Dental arch diameters and relationships to oral habits..pdf
Dental malocclusion and upper airway obstruction, an otolaryngologist’s perspective..pdf
Dentition in children with enlarged tonsils compared to control children..pdf
Dentoalveolar morphology in relation to craniocervical posture..pdf
Effects of adenoidectomy and changed mode of breathing on incisor and molar dentoalveolar heights and anterior face heights..pdf
Effects of adenoidectomy on dentition and nasopharynx..pdf
Enlarged tonsils and the effect of tonsillectomy. Characteristics of the dentition and facial skeleton. Posture of the head, hyoid bone and tongue. Mode of breathing..pdf
Head posture and malocclusions..pdf
Lip habits in preventive orthodontics..pdf
Lip seal study of Japanese adults with malocclusion..pdf
Mandibular form and position related to changed mode of breathing–a five-year longitudinal study..pdf
Mandibular growth direction following adenoidectomy..pdf
Mouth breathing and its relationship to malocclusion and facial abnormalities..pdf
Mouth breathing and malocclusion quantitative technique for measurement of oral and nasal air-flow velocities..pdf
Mouth breathing. An analysis of its effect on oral health and its management..pdf
Muscular, functional and orthodontic changes in pre school children with enlarged adenoids and tonsils..pdf
Nasal airway measurements in children treated by rapid maxillary expansion..pdf
Nasal resistance, skeletal classification, and mouth breathing in orthodontic patients..pdf
Non-apneic snoring and the orthodontist radiographic pharyngeal dimension changes with supine posture and mandibular protrusion..pdf
Normalization of incisor position after adenoidectomy..pdf
Open-mouth posture and maxillary arch width in young children a three-year evaluation..pdf
Redirecting the growth pattern with rapid maxillary expander and chin cup treatment changing breathing pattern from oral to nasal..pdf
Relationship between adenoids and malocclusion. A planimetric study..pdf
Relationship between lower arch spacing crowding and facial height and depth..pdf
Relationship between mandibular incisor crowding and nasal mucosal swelling..pdf
Respiratory function in relation to facial morphology and the dentition..pdf
Skeletal and occlusal characteristics in mouth-breathing pre-school children..pdf
The effect of airway interference on the growth and development of the face, jaws, and dentition..pdf
The effect of hypertrophic adenoids and tonsils on the development of posterior crossbite and oral habits..pdf
The effects of perennial allergic rhinitis on dental and skeletal development a comparison of sibling pairs..pdf
The influence of tonsillar obstruction and tonsillectomy on facial growth and dental arch morphology..pdf
Thermal environment of teeth during open-mouth respiration..pdf
[Allergic nasal obstruction syndrome its importance in orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery].pdf
[Anterior open bite and respiratory function].pdf
[Dental malocclusion and bony abnormalities in girls with nasopharyngeal obstruction of allergic origin].pdf
[Diagnostic and treatment characteristics of maxillodental anomalies in children with disordered nasal breathing].pdf
[Effect of allergic upper respiratory tract diseases on the development of maxillodental deformities in the light of literature data].pdf
[Effects of chronic allergic rhinitis on dental and skeletal development].pdf
[Important to investigate nocturnal respiratory obstruction in children. Obstructive respiratory disorders can result in deformed facial skeleton and bite].pdf
[Insufficient nasal respiration and dysgnathia].pdf
[Malocclusion and upper airway obstruction].pdf
[Nasopharyngeal obstruction as a cause of malocclusion].pdf
[Nocturnal respiratory problems in dysgnathic patients a proposed diagnostic and therapeutic approach].pdf
[Open bite in relation to breathing].pdf
[Orthognathic and orthodontic consequences of mouth breathing].pdf
[Quantification of initial malocclusion according to the mode of breathing in black African children].pdf
[Relationship between morphological analysis of the jaw and otorhinolaryngologic findings in orthodontic patients. l. Adenoids and septal anomalies of the nose].pdf
[Respiratory and deglutition pathology in malocclusion].pdf
[The adenoidal child. Orthodontic and otorhinolaryngological correlations. 1].pdf
[The importance of oral respiration in the etiopathogenesis of dental malocclusion].pdf
[The mouth breathing syndrome and its significance in dental, oral and gnathic medicine].pdf
[The significance of mouth breathing in the origin of dysgnathia with special reference to diseases of the respiratory tract].pdf